Start from today until this weekend, I’ll have a “quite tight” schedule. I will teach memorizing class, conversation, and writing class. It means that I have to wake up in the early morning, at least 5.00 am. The first class, memorizing class will be started at 5.30 am. The conversation class will be started at 8.30, and the writing class will be started at 13.00. And yeah, I got a new additional duty to help the tutor at the IELTS class, and it will be held at the afternoon, about 16.00.

I used to teach 2 classes on the last few weekends, and this week I’ll teach from the early morning until afternoon. And in the night I have to correct the student’s writing book. Alright, so, all day long and all night long. It’s a bit hard, but yeah that’s life. I have to try it!
I hope I’ll enjoy this week’s schedule, the tight one. And hopefully I’ll not have a health issue because of this tight schedule.
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