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About Me

Please find some a little information about me below.

Hello, It is I

Rizqi Fahma - At Eiffel Paris

I am Rizqi Fahma

You can call me Rizqi

I read, I swim, I blog, but I don’t smoke.

Thank you for visiting.

This page is continuously reviewed btw.


    • Halo mba Purwati,

      Terima kasih kunjungan baliknya.
      Tinggal beli web hosting, mba. Trus diexport aja file .xml blog sebelumnya ke blog barunya.

  1. Halo ka. Mau tanya apa pada saat training ada berapa kali ujian untuk menentukan lulus atau tidaknya (cut off)? Thanks

    • Hi seingat saya tidak ada ujian tertentu seperti itu. Hanya saja ada beberapa penilaian dari Corpu. Tapi ada semacam online testing beberapa kali selama di Corpu yang dilakukan di website internal.

      Pesan saya, ikuti semua kegiatan dari dengan baik.

  2. So, how did you do it, Architecture background, and Urban Management, which is not too far away from Architecture… but then you ends up working in Telicom Company?

    • Hi Nina,

      I studied Urban and Regional Development in college (Bachelor Degree), and then I studied Urban Management (MSc). There was very little to do with Architecture actually.

      I ended up working in Telco due to the “management” stuff as my background, and there was a collaboration between the company recruitment with my scholarship provider, so I got a chance to join a screening to apply for a job in the company.

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