600 Posts

This is my 600th post on my blog here. The 600th since my first post in 2011, literally 6 years ago. There has been a lot of things that I have been written so far, and all of them are…
This is my 600th post on my blog here. The 600th since my first post in 2011, literally 6 years ago. There has been a lot of things that I have been written so far, and all of them are…
It is just keep getting normal that I always found myself to recalling my memories from my solo backpacking in Europe. For sure I am not going to do it again by myself, instead, I will go backpacking with my…
Nikmati saja setiap tugas yang diberikan, nikmati setiap tantangannya. Pasti ada yang bisa dipelajari dari itu. #EnjoyIt
It is always been my dream to create products which are loved and used by millions of people across the globe.
Regularly. Just can’t let my machine not work as desired.