Coffee, Not Tonight
I just made a cup of coffee after months have not been drinking any of it. I planned to drink one, but then I changed my mind. I am afraid that I can’t sleep earlier tonight, as sleep earlier is…
I just made a cup of coffee after months have not been drinking any of it. I planned to drink one, but then I changed my mind. I am afraid that I can’t sleep earlier tonight, as sleep earlier is…
Insha Allaah semuanya akan jadi lebih baik seiring dengan berjalannya waktu.
I really don’t want to disappoint you. It was very difficult for me to keep up with the level of research that you expected, and until now I am still struggling with it.
Semoga diberikan kekuatan, dilancarkan prosesnya, dan diberkahi hasilnya. Aaamiin 🙂
Dua malam terakhir ini saya sangat kesulitan tidur dimalam hari. Kata orang insomnia, tapi mungkin lebih tepatnya tubuh saya sedang menyesuaikan diri dari perbedaan waktu dengan tempat tinggal saya yang sebelumnya.