Rizqi Fahma

Rizqi Fahma

I read, I write, I bike, I swim, but I don't smoke.

Full 24 Hours Support

I don’t know how to explain the Full 24 Hours Support from the company’s side. But from my point of view, it’s not always working. Dude, I’ve been waiting for about 12 hours to migrate one of domains in my…

Malam Terakhir Ramadhan 1435 H

Ini kah malam terakhir ramadhan tahun 1435 Hijriyah ini? Terawih terakhir ditahun 2014 ini? Wallahu’alaam Kalau ini malam terakhir dalam ramadhan tahun ini, semoga semua amal ibadah yang kita lakukan selama bulan suci ramadhan ini diberkahi oleh Allah swt. Berkah…

Your Neighbor is Actually Your Family

I am alone in my parents’ house. And will be alone until next several days here. It means, I will have to take care all of the things here by myself. To cook, clean the house, wash the dishes, wash…