Regularly. Just can’t let my machine not work as desired.
Regularly. Just can’t let my machine not work as desired.
I used to go by myself. I loved it, and most likely that I will still enjoy it if I have a chance to do it. The reason why I did it, because I love freedom to visit whatever places that I wanted to go to, regardless of the popularity.…
My first post in 2017. I am not going to talk too much in this occasion, I just want to say “hi” to this new year. 2017, sounds cool to me. I love the number, and I wish a better year than before. I am wishing to accomplish other “things”…
I don’t feel excited to watch any movie trailer this time around. I don’t know, maybe it’s because I didn’t “trust” that the real movie will be as good as the trailer. I used to watch a few trailers in the past, they were awesome, and I felt really excited…
Membaca portal berita (Indonesia). Entahlah, saya merasa tidak begitu tertarik membaca hal-hal yang ditulis oleh portal-portal berita tersebut. Melihat halaman depan situs sosial media. Semakin banyak hal yang tidak menarik disana, dan si penyedia layanannya juga semakin kurang baik memberikan pemberitahuan, yang bahkan sama sekali tidak berkaitan dengan saya. *sejauh…