New Year, again
First of all, I wouldn’t say happy New Year in this post, because all of you have already said it. But unfortunately I did. Yeah you read it in the first line of this post. Alright then, I don’t want to write a long post now, coz I’m feeling sleepy. However, I still want to spend my precious 10 minutes to write it down.
Yeah it is a new day, a new day in every calendar all over the world. So what changes beside the calendar itself? I think there’s nothing much changing in this January first 2014. I still do my daily life almost same as the day before. You would agree with me that it would not be a fast changing in one day.

I’m glad that I’m still alive today, still healthy, and still trying to be a happy guy. So, yeah I want to be a happy guy, guys! In order to be a happy guy, I have to be in “health condition”, right? I heard that healthy is an expensive thing, isn’t it? So then, I have to do exercise to keep my body health. So what’s next? Uh, no no no… I write too long.
I just want to say in this post, that this afternoon I went to swim. This was the first time for me to go for swimming. It was the third time for me to swim in this last seven days. Even though it was the third time in this last week, but this is the first time for me swim in January first. And I think it was a something new! I never swam in January first before. So, again, I think it was a something new! And hopefully it indicates a good beginning for this new Year.
Swimming teaches us a valuable thing. In order to keep balance, you have to keep moving. Just like riding bicycle. And of course, I think this philosophy can be one of my guides to live my life in the right direction to be on my own track.
January first, hello!