Solo Backpacking Rewinds
It is just keep getting normal that I always found myself to recalling my memories from my solo backpacking in Europe. For sure I am not going to do it again by myself, instead, I will go backpacking with my…
It is just keep getting normal that I always found myself to recalling my memories from my solo backpacking in Europe. For sure I am not going to do it again by myself, instead, I will go backpacking with my…
Akhirnya saya tiba di Amsterdam sekitar pukul 2 siang waktu setempat setelah sebelumnya sempat tertunda selama hampir lima jam. Pendaratan pesawat sempat dialihkan ke bandara Brussels, Belgia akibat cuaca buruk di Schiphol. Saya seharusnya sampai di Schiphol sekitar pukul 08.30.