
22 Out of 31

Minus nine

I’d like to share about my promise. Last month I promised to myself that I would write at least a post every day. I started to write at December 5th, and now, it’s January 5th. Finished or not, I have to show the report.

Ok, here you go, from Dec 5th to Jan 4th (a month) I’ve written 22 posts. I wrote 22 posts in thirty one days. Not bad? Kinda. However, it’s not enough to finish the challenge. I missed 9 posts, means I skip 9 days to write any single post.


Though I was always thinking about the challenge years ago, but I just did it since a month ago (in this blog). Honestly, I challenged myself to write a daily post in 2012 (in my free wordpress account – rixonit), still I couldn’t finish it. It was a good challenge, the name was 30 days meme song challenge.

So, what can I imply from these two challenges? The answer is, I still couldn’t manage it. I still couldn’t finish what I aimed to. I realize that I still poor on this area, the area of “finish something”.

It’s just a simple thing, but promise is a promise. I am not supposed to bargain with myself. I have to be assertive to myself, even though I could explain the reasons why I couldn’t finish the challenge.

Next time I’ll try it again. Promise? Uhum….

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Rizqi Fahma
Rizqi Fahma

I read, I write, I bike, I swim, but I don't smoke.

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