Om Telolet Om
Just found out that it was from Indonesia. It is actually just a sound of a community bus horn, which has been around for many years now. It is not new actually, it is just recently went viral.
Just found out that it was from Indonesia. It is actually just a sound of a community bus horn, which has been around for many years now. It is not new actually, it is just recently went viral.
Saya tidak pernah pernah senang dengan ide tersebut apabila menyangkut penempatan kelas. Kenapa? Bukan hanya masalah diversifikasi nama yang monoton yang tidak menarik menurut saya, tapi yang lebih penting lagi, kemungkinan kurang kompetitifnya kualitas suatu kelas jika kelas-kelas diurut berdasarkan abjad nama siswanya. Ini berdasarkan pengalaman saya (kemungkinan kasusnya akan…
I am only using SPSS for almost half a year now, and I can say that people who are able to use this program properly can benefited a lot. Not only for research purpose, but it also has a big potential for other purposes. Business is one of those, for…
Good news today: My laptop’s bluetooth is working, after a few days missing.
Tadi setelah solat jum’at saya sempat bersalaman dengan seorang teman lama. Kami sudah lama kenal, namun sebenarnya kami bukan teman dekat. Dia adalah pemilik tempat rental Playstation di kota saya. Saya tinggal di kota kecil, dan di sekitar tempat tinggal saya, bisa dikatakan kalau tempat rentalnya adalah yang paling terkenal.