
Sebelum Memulai Weekend

Ada banyak tugas yang menunggu untuk diselesaikan. Mereka menunggu untuk dituntaskan begitu saja, lalu apapun yang terjadi, kata mereka, tidak masalah. Mau saya meninggalkan mereka setelah diselesaikan, tak masalah, yang penting diselesaikan!

Lack of Sense of Belonging

I attended an English discussion this morning. It was just a sudden activity, after I went to a Car Free Day event. I went through the sidewalk, and saw a banner of a multi-languages discussion included English. Others are Mandarin,…

Full 24 Hours Support

I don’t know how to explain the Full 24 Hours Support from the company’s side. But from my point of view, it’s not always working. Dude, I’ve been waiting for about 12 hours to migrate one of domains in my…