Colorful tulips in a flower lovely

Mama’s BD

As I previously written about birthdays, we don’t “really” celebrate it among our family. But this time, or to my Mom, there should be some exception. Well, we didn’t celebrate it though.

Sometimes I thought that I haven’t given the best to my Mama, and I would always regret it.

That’s why every birthday of her in the recent years, I tried to do something.

Not in some exaggerration though, but giving her some “gift” was the minimum I could. Mama is not that kind of person who demands so much, like asking this or that, though.

Happy birthday to my Dear Mama.

Sorry I wasn’t there, Mama.


*PS: today is not Mama’s birthday.

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Rizqi Fahma
Rizqi Fahma

I read, I write, I bike, I swim, but I don't smoke.

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