
Not Into EDM As Much As I did Before

I must say that I am not listening to EDM as regular as I did before. I used to listen to it a lot everyday, during a lot of circumstances. I don’t dislike the music actually, but it is just…

Me and deadmau5 Music

Who doesn’t know deadmau5, especially for you EDM fans. Well, I know that he might be not familiar to you compared to other EDM musician(s), for instance: Skrillex, ZEDD, The Chainsmokers, and perhaps Marshmello. Yeah, deadmau5 music is relatively not…


Dalam Musik Elektronik

Pengaruh Skrillex Belum pernah saya merasa lebih suka dengan musik elektronik sebelumnya selain daripada saat ini. Ada rasa “addicted” dengan musik-musik yang dibuat oleh Skrillex, Zedd, Deadmau5, Overwerk, Nadastorm dan kawan-kawannya. Beberapa minggu terakhir ini musik bergenre elektronik/rave yang mereka…