view of a cropland from an opened window in a wooden hut

When You Read Books

How much of information do you retain? Sorry for asking that question in the first place. That’s too heavy to ask. In the middle of the office hour, I try to read a small book about statistics. The reason why I read this book is because I feel so dumb…

red and orange petal flowers

The Cost To Be Productive

It’s a never ending effort, by the way. I am always wondering how to utilise my time to be more useful. More productive, so I won’t be more redundant in my actions. Unfortunately there are moments when I feel I am just not that productive, and I am quite relentlessly…

Colorful tulips in a flower lovely

Mama’s BD

As I previously written about birthdays, we don’t “really” celebrate it among our family. But this time, or to my Mom, there should be some exception. Well, we didn’t celebrate it though. Sometimes I thought that I haven’t given the best to my Mama, and I would always regret it.… - Photo by Caio

Switching to A New Domain

Likely a huge “gamble” to do so When you have been using a .com domain for about 12 years and counting, then switching to a super not popular TLD (Top Level Domain), what would you have in your mind? Most likely you’d keep your .com domain, instead of switching to…

Free server network image

Move The Blog to AWS

I recently moved my blog(s) from DigitalOcean (DO) to AWS (Amazon Web Service). This is the very first time I use AWS service for my blog in my whole life. I use Lightsail product from AWS, because it’s more simple to manage compared to Amazon EC2. I know that EC2…