Hello May 24
Oh hello there, sunshine Today is May first of 2024, and as I just said earlier that today is a shiny day. Wait, it has been like 4 months since my last blog post here? Uhm, seems right but not…
Oh hello there, sunshine Today is May first of 2024, and as I just said earlier that today is a shiny day. Wait, it has been like 4 months since my last blog post here? Uhm, seems right but not…
Excuse my language when you decide to read it through the end, cause I promise I won’t disappoint! There’s still a week to go through January 2024 and I had been “suffering” for 3 times already. I was grateful when…
Shall we make a New Year’s resolution? Short answer: Not Really Why? Keep reading. Hello, it’s your boy again, throwing some rumblings writings again for the first time in 2024. 2023 was over, no chance to get back to that…
Somehow yes, I should. I was not used to take medicine when I was sick as much as I could. However in the recent years I use a different approach, which is I cannot help but to take medicine. Having…
To get into that high and constant level of concentration requires a huge effort.